Sunday, 30 December 2012

Anger and Mourning in India

On Saturday, December 29th, the 23 year old New Delhi rape victim 'Nirbhaya' died in the Safdarjung Hospital, Singapore, after a thirteen day struggle for her life. 

Reading the newspaper today (The Times of India), it sounds as though the entire nation has erupted into turmoil as suddenly the issue of women's right's has exploded across the nation. Although the incident was atrocious, it did push people to finally send a message of "enough", and I have a feeling that, in terms of enforcing women's rights, some things might change to help protect women more. I already noticed that, aside from multiple articles about the victim 'Nirbhaya' and the increasing protests, there are more reports of rape victims coming in from across India. My guess is that this has caused a ripple effect, and by the time the New Year begins, things are going to change.


  1. Josiah, Looks as though you're having avery exciting and "eye opening" experience. India is one place that I'll want to visit in the future. I'm following your route on a mam. What is your opinion as to the percentage of supporting change to womens rights following the recent rape atrocities? RSL

  2. THank you for commenting, RSL.
    In my opinion, I think that, although the event was atrocious, It did a good job of tipping people over the edge and to encourage them to stand up against these issues. I think that this event will definitely change how women's rights are viewed in India, and how women are treated.
