Tuesday, 11 December 2012

The Night Before....

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step-Chinese Philosopher
Hello! It’s my final post before leaving Canada, and so far, I am excited. Stressed, but still excited nonetheless. My living room looks like a clothing bomb went off in it, but we are nearly ready nonetheless. Our flight leaves tomorrow (Wednesday) from Ottawa at 5:30.  But, before I leave Kingston I must give my final performance as Duke Orsino in Twelfth Night.  “If music be the food of love, play on!”

I am starting to get nervous even thinking about going to India. Personally, I am most excited to experience Indian culture compared to Canadian culture. Specifically, how women are treated. I am not sure exactly how my project will unfold and what I will see once I arrive, but my guess is that, no matter what, their culture and treatment of others will be quite different from ours.

I am mostly looking forwards to meeting with Indian people and hearing them share their experiences with women’s rights issues they’ve had to deal with in their lifetime. I am also looking forwards to basically the entire time I’m there, from when the plane departs from Ottawa, until I touch down again in Ottawa. Except, of course, spending six hours in the Frankfurt Airport. 


  1. Wow, thats a great topic. why did you choose it? you know, my friend from first ave is indian, and her parents are still keeping their culture of aranged marridges. she hates it, so she is secretly dating

  2. That is a really good idea, I like how your using what you will be doing anyways (the trip), and using it to do some really good quality work, that is interesting as well.
    What sort of questions will you ask?
    Are you going to record the answers or just take notes?
    Do you have a plan of which days you will work and which days you will just be on your vacation?

  3. Best of Luck! Challenge looks forward to reading your updates while you are gone! Who knew Challenge for Change would make it all the way to India.

    Safe travels!
    Ms. Y
